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Responsible Procurement

By forging a mutually beneficial and win-win partnership with suppliers, we are establishing a robust social responsibility management system governing supply chain in order to build a green and responsible value chain and jointly build a sustainable future


Create a Responsible Supply Chain

Suppliers are our partners on the way to success. We are committed to cooperating with suppliers as partners to build a high-quality and responsible supply chain and create a sustainable value chain.

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    Supplier Standard

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    Supplier Responsibility Audit

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    Supply Chain Green Initiative

Conflict Minerals

Metals are indispensible to the functionality of our products. We insist on responsible mineral procurement to effectively control related risks and build a "controversy-free" mineral value chain

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    Responsible Mineral Procurement

Our Supplier Partners Believe in the Same Values and Codes of Conduct as We Do

With the development of the Company's business, we pay more attention to the relationship with suppliers, and require them to shoulder corresponding social responsibilities. Luxshare has formulated the Supplier Code of Conduct in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, RBA(Responsible Business Alliance) Code of Conduct and other social responsibility-related laws and regulations, and incorporated compliance requirements into supplier contracts

Build a Mutually Progressive Partnership with Suppliers

In order to ensure that suppliers always comply with our social responsibility requirements to a high standard, the Company formulated the Supplier Corporate Social Responsibility Management Operating Procedure, and the Supplier CSR Risk Identification and Evaluation Form to conduct annual CSR audit on suppliers. We carry out CSR risk assessment of suppliers from five dimensions: management system, environmental management, labor management, occupational health and safety management and business ethics, and assist suppliers to upgrade and improve CSR management. When evaluating new suppliers, the Company conducts the preliminary CSR risk audit for all suppliers to determine the their CSR risk level to avoid cooperating with suppliers with high CSR risk

  • 1,624

    Number of suppliers evaluated for CSR risk in 2023

  • 100%

    Percentage of new suppliers audited for CSR

  • 527

    Number of suppliers that completed on-site CSR audits

Driving Supply Chain Green Initiatives to Promote a Greener and Brighter Future

Luxshare cooperated with Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) to launch the Green Supply Chain Proposal&Zero Carbon Supply Chain Initiative, inviting suppliers to work together with us to reduce the environmental impact of the industry

Through regular supplier conferences and trainings, we are actively conveying the philosophy of green and low-carbon development, evincing our determination to promote green and low-carbon actions in the supply chain

We are actively using IPE database to track suppliers' environmental performances, assisting suppliers to head off environmental violation risks, and disclosing Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) and carbon emission information

  • Risen to 3th place

    IPE Green Supply Chain CITI Electronics Industry Category ranking in 2023

  • Risen to 6th place

    Corporate Climate Action CATI Electronics Industry Category ranking in 2023

We Are Committed to Working with Suppliers to Create a Controversy-Free Supply Chain to Ensure Mineral Purchases Do Not Harm the Environment or Labor Rights

Conflict Minerals Policy:Minerals such as tungsten, tin, tantalum, gold, etc. obtained from highly controversial and risky areas, or from mines controlled by non-governmental armed forces or illegal military factions and traded through smuggling, are controversial minerals. Luxshare requires suppliers to comply with the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct (RBA), and only purchase materials from suppliers that shoulder their environmental and social responsibilities. Suppliers are not prohibited from sourcing minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo and its neighboring countries. However, we do require suppliers to purchase materials from the list of smelters and refineries certified by the Responsible Mineral Assurance Process (RMAP) of the Responsible Mining Initiative(RMI). Smelters and refineries that are not RMAP certified or do not meet client requirements shall be removed from the supply chain. The Company also requires our suppliers to perform due diligence in accordance with OECD requirements

We welcome and encourage employees, suppliers and other external stakeholders to report any problems, concerns or irregularities related to the controversial mining through open channels. The report can be conducted anonymously and kept confidential to the maximum extent permitted by law. Contact information is as follows:
